Its been a horribly long long time since i had a movie on which i can blabber for a blog.... so the empty mind just compiled a lit of my favourite movies of all times... to be very honest if you have missed any of these go and watch... and if there is something i have missed please let me know.... let the list go on...
PS I love you: this one is pretty evident with the whole lot of things that I have written about it already, I dont think it was a surprise for any one
Munich: Wow.... I`m totally fascinated by Israel and Palestine conflict and this movie is responsible for that... the cold hearted logic of the movie was just brilliant... the only thing that I thought could have been changed was the ending, there are certain things in which human and human emotions have no place... munich was one place where it was true
Omkara: I had to literally fight to get in the hall for this one, bunked office, bought tickets in black and what not... but it was worth every penny... my review also made my parents go for it, and it was a unmitigated disaster... guess it was not meant for people who can’t stomach ‘reality’... but the “language” aside it was a wonderful movie unleashing the power of politics
Sleepless in Seattle: this was the yash chopra and “KJo” genre of movie but way better ofcourse... in a way it was reliving an affair to remember but whatever it was amazingly well made... though I don agree with their assessment of tom Hank’s butt (I thought it was amazingly cute... ;))
Pretty Woman: a lot has been said about this one already... I loved the title track and I loved the fairy tale ending... if only you got this in life also things would be perfect then...
Momento: I hated ghajni... it was disrespect to the amazing movie made... in a typical fictional world where love and romance are the unforgettable emotions... this one is built and circled around hate and guilt... and what can be achieved if we can only tap them... kind of wicked I know but still an amazing movie... truly brilliant
Inglorious Basterds: Now again when I think of this movie the thought that strikes me so much is how can you convey so much menace to a hall full of people in a far flung country... but it was amazing the first scene of the movie set the pace... I could not help feeling thankful that I was not sitting across that Nazi... one of the best Tarantino movies...
Guess who is coming for dinner tonight: the cutest movie I ever saw... I have always been a huge fan of English classic literature; this movie just reminded me of the 70’s hindi movies... slight comedies on a verge of romance... this movie brought back that nostalgia.... amazing sat night watch
A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Love... Aaj kal!!!!

Well those who know me and follow this blog has seen and experienced firsthand how obsessive I`m... and how I relive my life every chance I get... but in this movie I’m sure everyone could have relived it... it was as close as it gets to what life offers... it was as imperfect as it can get... yeah I know the people who live in the real life lack the guts of reel life people so our endings are not always as perfect and as beautiful but still all of us in our lives have that special someone and that difficult decision that we make and live with... and never talk about...
I have never really believed that friends can be lovers... I really don’t buy that and had that been a possibility life would have been really simple for me... but no its not... life was as much a mess as it was in this movie and trust me no matter how hard I try to sort it out the messier it gets... and that was the reason I could relate to Meera pulling that crap on her husband... and I really not even once thought it was not right... not even for a moment I doubted that this is what I would have done... and this did nothing to sort out the mess I have lead my life into...
Sometimes I have wondered whether the generation of my parents had it figured out and all these modern day belief system of life being based on the pillars of love and career have wreaked a havoc on the simplicity of life... wouldn’t it been better if I had never learned to think on my own and if only I would never have learnt to ask questions... I would have had my life planned and given to me on a platter, wouldn’t that have been an amazingly simple decision and would have been so much better suited for me....
But would that life have been half as amazing as this one has been... would I have been half as amazing a person as I am right now... one capable of feeling so much and thinking so much... so is it that evolution made our minds work faster and better and we questioned it all... and eventually we shall get us out of this mess we have landed ourselves into...
Maybe that’s wishful thinking and I am trying to believe what I want to belive and keeping my eyes closed to reality and the practicality of life... but you know even if the practicality of life makes it simpler, it doesn’t make it any more happier... and I am not searching for a simple life or a practical one for that matter... what I am looking for is a beautiful life, a happy life... and I don’t have it in my heart to make myself stop till I find it.... So the search goes on and the days and days of doubt that I had in my belief and my search just evaporates... well this is the reason I watch cheesy movies and cry... :D
Friday, July 17, 2009
Devil's Heart....

Yesterday was one of those days when Murphy’s law was on its full power... anyways in Mumbai a raining cloud keeps on following me where ever I go so much so that I have forgotten the feel of dry feet and good shoes... trying to concentrate on letting my feet and my shoes survive the Mumbai waterfall.... anyway with a nice sun charming its way through the clouds `m pretty sure the days of wet feet and bad shoes are over.... :D
But anyways my shoes were not something I wanted to talk about... after being stranded in suburbs for the last fortnight I decided to go where the autos can’t go and u have to take a taxi... the one and only Pheonix mill... Now phoenix mill has some significance to me, I have gone there every Saturday for 2 years while working close by... and it was also the place where I have had one of the best dates of my life... but again that’s not what this post is supposed to be all about...
It’s just that I again saw a movie- The Proposal.... and it just occurred to me how important small things become when bigger ones are absent... Ok first things first, it was no different from thousand other movies which have been made on similar themes and have similar ending... so don’t go for it expecting a revelation, but it was sweet and different in its own way... in fact the same way in which all these corny movies are sweet and cute... but here things were a little different we had the girl realize that some things are more important than a career or a high flying job and it’s not LOVE (thank god for that), its family... I like Sandra Bullock but I just kept picturing meryl streep as the bitchy boss... Sandra Bullock has an inherent sweetness which really can’t carry of the burden of being a bitch... but in spite of that she was pretty good... I LOVED Ryan Reynold he was too cute... I just fell for his eyes... WOW!!!!...
The best moment in the movie was the end... I am a big fan of frank confessions and I liked it when at least they acknowledged the fact that people are difficult to stay with and that is why they remain single and anyone who knows any better will stay out of it... but then people have a little tendency to do what is best for them... it’s always what the heart wants and I have realized it after much pain and suffering and spending some really miserable hours in my own moping company to know that the heart wants what it cannot have and what is definitely not good for it...
In fact I have come to believe that if the mind is the god, heart is definitely the devil... nothing good ever comes out of following the path shown by it... if anything that’s the way you should avoid for sure... but I know that it just doesn’t matter how much profoundly correct the statement sounds we shall always be a bunch of heart sick people who will do anything to oblige the heart and who will be happy to suffer again and again till it gets what it wants... and that’s the time when we believe that we will be truly happy... till something new comes along and wakes the devil up again...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Palace of Illusions

Mahabharat has always been known for its complexity and also the shades of human nature that mythology rarely accepts... maybe that is the reason why it has been so much more fascinating and intriguing than any other story we might have grown old on... when we talk of mahabharat, we see a lot of strong warriors, rulers, gods rally past the lanes of our memory... but what has always been interesting is that no matter how strong the men were, the women were stronger... they were the ones who kept it all together and when the time came destroyed it as well....
There have been interpretations and versions of Mahabharat and each one better than the other.. recently I happened to come across Panchali’s Mahabharat- The Palace of Illusions... the book told the story of mahabharat through the eyes of Draupadi... and i am not sure if it was the magic woven by the author or the amazing magnanimity of Mahabharat which made the book such a page turner...
It turned and tossed the corners of mahabharat and presented a picture which I had ever thought of... in the initial years panchali, through her fascination for Kunti comes to the question that do strong women have good marriages... well the question was relevant to her then and is relevant to me now... I wonder if men then and men now are so insecure that it is unbecoming in a female to be strong... or is it that once the lifelong dream of a happy marriage is broken the woman no longer has anything to loose and can take on the world for all that its worth...
Every woman strong or weak gives a hand and an eye to make her relationship work and I find it harder to believe that stronger she is the weaker the relation will grow... do men have such insatiable need to assert themselves that a strong woman can make them look inadequate... May be the answer is yes... maybe this is the reason that the girls are always painted as mute, giving and docile creature who needs to looked after... and maybe this is the reason that women through ages have been told to learn and accept their fates without question... to satisfy the great male ego...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Down with MEN!!!!!

Lately I have been having a pretty dull life nothing to do and a lot of time to make myself mad over petty details and hopeless love affairs... but then again I have always known to bounce back, so here I am... I have gotten into the habit of sleeping for 12 hours, swimming for 2 and then watching some obscure English television series for the rest of the night.... this is where I found a new thought and a new topic...
The other day I was watching Boston Legal I am a huge fan of James Spader aka Alan Shore and I love his nearly gay relationship with Denny Crane... but then as always I started drawing parallels... God has made me enough self obsessed to see myself in all the relationships or as I like to believe he has made me smart enough to learn from all of them... Last night I got one of those epiphanies when Denny Crane happened to mention that his and Alan’s relationship is the best he has known anyone to have so far... now how can a non-sexual gay relationship suck me in... well it did...
As it so happens I have a non- sexual gay relationship myself... and I happen to know that it is the best relationship among all the relationships that i have seen people have... and then it made me think why are our romantic relationships not that simple... is it the opposite sex which does the trick and ruins the spontaneity and honesty of it all.... what is it with men and women??? Are they even meant to be together... well as far as my experience is concerned I dont think so...
Why is it that my relationship with my ‘lady’ friend so simple and so easy??? Why don’t I ever have the need to work on it??? Why is it that this one comes so naturally and all the relationships I so desperately want to work out always end up in the crapper... what is it with men and sex that the relationship becomes a political arena requiring nothing short of all the means and manoeuvres of a Lok Sabha Election...
Seriously are men and women meant to be together... logic says no they are not... No matter what happens men and women are different they do come from a different planet altogether... and as the relationship gurus will have us believe- opposites attract but likes adhere... well here’s the thought men and women are not alike... they will never be and as long as they are together relationships will be difficult, unsatisfying and a lot of work...
Then is it so that Homosexuals have the answer... have they worked out the intricacies of life and relationships and have found the answer sought by us all...
I hope to god this is not the answer... for one it’s not the way to go for my 25 years old fatigued and haggard mind... its too late for me to change sides now... but then I think after asking all these questions I will still have a man who would make butterflies flutter in my stomach and my heart would miss a beat... and all the hard work and frustration would be OK.... till then I am happily single...
Boston Legal,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
sEx ANd thE cItY

I have always had a bad luck in men and relationships… so maybe that is the reason why I somehow so naturally had a connection and liking for SEX AND THE CITY. Seeing Carrie flirt with one relation after another somehow I have always thought it very relevant to my life… don’t get me wrong I have never had that many relationships but I have made all the mistakes in the few chances I got…
But then I have never really regretted any of it… I can’t help draw parallels with the series and the life that I have lead… for one I have been the ever optimist who has always believed that even after the disaster something great will turn up… the inability to hang on to a relation is also something I have found in common… well for Carrie it was the realization that maybe its not the men its her… she is not the one who can be tamed… but is that true for me, I guess it is… the differences are not in the men.. They will always be the same… I have always found them to be more emotional species…
I have lived through people living their lives missing a person… and I have always thoughts that maybe it was not upto me to break them… but then I have realized that it was those men who couldn’t break me… they were the ones who couldn’t have the life that could have been, well for a lack of a better word- Different. I have made excuses for all of them and for myself… but I guess I have said all that there was to say… and surprisingly that’s not because I am tired it’s just because I have realized that this is not what I deserve
The day you settle for something less than you deserve, you get even less than what you settled for!!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009

The first thing that struck me after I read this book was… how come the government didn’t ban it??? At first I was happy to think of it as a trump of democracy but then it struck me- how bad can polyester prince be… or is it just because The Polyster Prince exposed the political corruption it was banned? Or is it our tolerance or our indifference that we can have this book on our book shelves…
The prose was not poetic and it did not really made say much about the author but the book’s honesty did say a lot. The book is not about India and Pakistan it’s not even about Kashmir, it’s simply about the people… who feel violated and ostracized every single day of their lives. But here it did not matter what form of writing it was… the book had horrific images of truth coming out of its pages… it’s a shame on humanity that people had to live through those moments…
I remember reading of an experiment aimed at justifying Nazi atrocities on Jews, which ended up showing that all of us are capable of that kind of barbarianism and all of us are capable of that kind of sustenance. This book also brought that back to me we Indians are also capable of that…. The experiment was scrapped midways because of the disturbing results it produced…. but how can we put an end to it…
The book made me realize that we have part of our nation which is at war, where the people are not happy and are living under a constant dread, where the dreams and reality differ so starkly that people have lost the ability to dream… where we have managed to put a price tag on a human life, where the air smells of ruins and shattered families, where pain and despair have replaced hope and love…
How can any of us give up… how can we accept that… is the barbarian in us so strong that we have forgotten our humanity… well even if that is true… I refuse to believe it and I refuse to give up…
basharat peer,
Book Reviews,
curfewed nights,
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