Well those who know me and follow this blog has seen and experienced firsthand how obsessive I`m... and how I relive my life every chance I get... but in this movie I’m sure everyone could have relived it... it was as close as it gets to what life offers... it was as imperfect as it can get... yeah I know the people who live in the real life lack the guts of reel life people so our endings are not always as perfect and as beautiful but still all of us in our lives have that special someone and that difficult decision that we make and live with... and never talk about...
I have never really believed that friends can be lovers... I really don’t buy that and had that been a possibility life would have been really simple for me... but no its not... life was as much a mess as it was in this movie and trust me no matter how hard I try to sort it out the messier it gets... and that was the reason I could relate to Meera pulling that crap on her husband... and I really not even once thought it was not right... not even for a moment I doubted that this is what I would have done... and this did nothing to sort out the mess I have lead my life into...
Sometimes I have wondered whether the generation of my parents had it figured out and all these modern day belief system of life being based on the pillars of love and career have wreaked a havoc on the simplicity of life... wouldn’t it been better if I had never learned to think on my own and if only I would never have learnt to ask questions... I would have had my life planned and given to me on a platter, wouldn’t that have been an amazingly simple decision and would have been so much better suited for me....
But would that life have been half as amazing as this one has been... would I have been half as amazing a person as I am right now... one capable of feeling so much and thinking so much... so is it that evolution made our minds work faster and better and we questioned it all... and eventually we shall get us out of this mess we have landed ourselves into...
Maybe that’s wishful thinking and I am trying to believe what I want to belive and keeping my eyes closed to reality and the practicality of life... but you know even if the practicality of life makes it simpler, it doesn’t make it any more happier... and I am not searching for a simple life or a practical one for that matter... what I am looking for is a beautiful life, a happy life... and I don’t have it in my heart to make myself stop till I find it.... So the search goes on and the days and days of doubt that I had in my belief and my search just evaporates... well this is the reason I watch cheesy movies and cry... :D
I read this just after a saw the movie "Curious case of Benjamin Button". And in that same little soaked in emotional way I found this what you wrote superb. Keep it up!
thanks a lot... nice to u following the place... :)
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