I have always had a bad luck in men and relationships… so maybe that is the reason why I somehow so naturally had a connection and liking for SEX AND THE CITY. Seeing Carrie flirt with one relation after another somehow I have always thought it very relevant to my life… don’t get me wrong I have never had that many relationships but I have made all the mistakes in the few chances I got…
But then I have never really regretted any of it… I can’t help draw parallels with the series and the life that I have lead… for one I have been the ever optimist who has always believed that even after the disaster something great will turn up… the inability to hang on to a relation is also something I have found in common… well for Carrie it was the realization that maybe its not the men its her… she is not the one who can be tamed… but is that true for me, I guess it is… the differences are not in the men.. They will always be the same… I have always found them to be more emotional species…
I have lived through people living their lives missing a person… and I have always thoughts that maybe it was not upto me to break them… but then I have realized that it was those men who couldn’t break me… they were the ones who couldn’t have the life that could have been, well for a lack of a better word- Different. I have made excuses for all of them and for myself… but I guess I have said all that there was to say… and surprisingly that’s not because I am tired it’s just because I have realized that this is not what I deserve
The day you settle for something less than you deserve, you get even less than what you settled for!!!!
Very well said... there are few live examples... i cant say right now whether I am one of them... but then yes i settled for less and got even lesser....
the movie was good... try watching "the holiday"... and "Shakespeare in love" i loved holiday more than dis one
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