Lately I have been having a pretty dull life nothing to do and a lot of time to make myself mad over petty details and hopeless love affairs... but then again I have always known to bounce back, so here I am... I have gotten into the habit of sleeping for 12 hours, swimming for 2 and then watching some obscure English television series for the rest of the night.... this is where I found a new thought and a new topic...
The other day I was watching Boston Legal I am a huge fan of James Spader aka Alan Shore and I love his nearly gay relationship with Denny Crane... but then as always I started drawing parallels... God has made me enough self obsessed to see myself in all the relationships or as I like to believe he has made me smart enough to learn from all of them... Last night I got one of those epiphanies when Denny Crane happened to mention that his and Alan’s relationship is the best he has known anyone to have so far... now how can a non-sexual gay relationship suck me in... well it did...
As it so happens I have a non- sexual gay relationship myself... and I happen to know that it is the best relationship among all the relationships that i have seen people have... and then it made me think why are our romantic relationships not that simple... is it the opposite sex which does the trick and ruins the spontaneity and honesty of it all.... what is it with men and women??? Are they even meant to be together... well as far as my experience is concerned I dont think so...
Why is it that my relationship with my ‘lady’ friend so simple and so easy??? Why don’t I ever have the need to work on it??? Why is it that this one comes so naturally and all the relationships I so desperately want to work out always end up in the crapper... what is it with men and sex that the relationship becomes a political arena requiring nothing short of all the means and manoeuvres of a Lok Sabha Election...
Seriously are men and women meant to be together... logic says no they are not... No matter what happens men and women are different they do come from a different planet altogether... and as the relationship gurus will have us believe- opposites attract but likes adhere... well here’s the thought men and women are not alike... they will never be and as long as they are together relationships will be difficult, unsatisfying and a lot of work...
Then is it so that Homosexuals have the answer... have they worked out the intricacies of life and relationships and have found the answer sought by us all...
I hope to god this is not the answer... for one it’s not the way to go for my 25 years old fatigued and haggard mind... its too late for me to change sides now... but then I think after asking all these questions I will still have a man who would make butterflies flutter in my stomach and my heart would miss a beat... and all the hard work and frustration would be OK.... till then I am happily single...
read every post except 'HR practices in corporate India' for obvious reasons.
Wasnt sure who it is until I saw the pic.
Quite a deep thikner you seem.
Nice posts and more importantly, you seem quite a prolific writer.
Would agree to most stuff you have written about relationship but not with some.
Been nice reading it though.
you get tremendously bored. you draw parallels with everything you see. your blog says so.....you feel like are men and women really meant to just love in the end! no matter what......
For me....I don't draw parallels like you. But I do get bored very easily. my blog says so :)
I wonder after reading your blog that yes there are people who think like me.....great!
well it comes as a surprise to me that there are ppl who can think like me...
i thought i`m one of the kind... but never mind... good to see some1 enjoyed...
gud time table..me the same if u cut out swimmin~
nice scribblin though~
Exemplary time table :-) ...
Non sexual gay relationship.. hmmm... I suppose sex wud have added more spice to it :D ..
On a more seriosu note, you will be surprised to know that a very high percentage of people have this kind of realtionship in their life. their is always that best freind with whom you sahar a;l the things, even things like u r cheating on ur partner :D...
The working of thez realtionships , and the demands are diff.... you r not living constantly with ur gay frnd right... and it must have taken loads of years of non commital sharing to reach at this level... plus thr is absolutely no possesivenes in most of the things rgt.. eg meeting more guys/ getting into other relationships etc etc.. they wud probably tell u if they think its not good, try to force you a bit if they think its bad .. bt wud give up in the end if you presist anf be at ur side giving u support... this brings a lot of diff...
trust me u dunno wanna have this kind of non -possesive realtionship with ur partner... u need to have some for a healthy relation ship... at least higher than in ur gay relationship..
hmm... seems i have used a lot of space .... wid have writte more abt other complexities... but hopefully u wud have to some extent got what i am trying to say...
Why do ur other relationshi[s dont work? hard to say.. dunno know u or ur earlier mates to comment on that :D.... but maybe the desparateness for it to work as u mentioned might be it.. just maybe...
At the end u will find someone... people always do :) ... BOL...
:-) i wonder why, but the last few lines of your post evoked a smile...
@ Sriram
maybe becoz they implied that girls will always be girls... :D
and no matter how much of a cynic u become optimism is not something that leaves you...
on the lighter side, ur article sounded a bit 'gay'ish ;)
hey ankit... proud to be 'gay'ish its legal now... moreover ever thought why, of all the words in the world, gay??? :D
getting my flow...
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