I love Richard Gere.. he’s suave, sexy, infact he is what a man should be… I loved Pretty woman and I loved “Shall we dance”- I know I`m a couple of years late in saying this but still… better late than never… I`m into mushy corny English movies these days… But this one was not corny and it was not really a romatic movie… infact i`m surprised why imdb.com says the movie is about husband wife relationship… I think that was the last thing on the writer’s mind when he wrote it…
As far as I`m concerned I think if there was any relationship the movie featured then it was a relationship a man has with himself… Every person has their own personal emotional prisons and we live and die inside them… this movie was about breaking loose… it was about “feeling guilty for wanting to be happier”. We all do it, we spend our lives finding reasons to be happier, reasons in your spouse in your kids in your job… but never once we look inside ourselves, never once do we trust ourselves… it’s a question I have no answer to… Perhaps it’s because all of us don’t want to be selfish… we want to be happy, but we need others to find that happiness within us and that’s what makes all of us happy.
The movie is beautiful... in the truest sense of the word… it dares to answer a lot… but many people don’t ask the questions this movie tries to answer… Richard Gere is awesome and when he tells his wife that one thing he is proudest of is that she is happy with her… that is the most sincere thing anyone can tell you… he was not telling her he loved her… he was telling her he treasured her… he gave her a reason to be and to love him…
Well the movie made me wanting to dance again… it made me nostalgic and it made me happy… for this movie atleast don’t take it on a face value its much much more than what it seems…